What is the difference between technical and developmental editing?
Developmental editing, also called comprehensive editing, takes into account the big picture of your written content and considers how all of the smaller details that comprise that big picture work together. Developmental editors focus on organization, flow, momentum, and pacing. In creative work, we consider plot and character development. We work on voice, story or brand consistency, and style.
Technical editing is best described as a combination of three types of editing:
Comprehensive — technical editors place a specific focus on content (to ensure accuracy and appropriate language) and format (to ensure clarity in the overall organization and presentation).
Copyediting — technical editors make the author’s writing consistently accurate in terms of both language (i.e., spelling, punctuation, and grammar) and style.
Proofreading — technical editors compare the final and draft copies to ensure complete accuracy before submission.
Overall, developmental editing takes place during the formation of a story or written piece, while technical editing takes place after the formation, during the draft stage.
When should I hire an editor?
You should hire an editor when your book is as good as you can make it on your own. Bear in mind that many editors (including me) book work in advance, so it’s wise to ask an editor about availability a few weeks to a couple of months before you need editing to begin. I am often not available for last-minute editing work.
What services do you offer?
Vital to most people is to ask an editor their fees, which may vary widely depending on experience and specialization. My most popular editing service is a manuscript assessment, which starts at $350 for manuscripts up to 50,000 words. You can find more information here: Everything You Need to Know About Manuscript Assessment.
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